What will Heaven be like? Jake opens the series by collecting hints from Scripture about what we can expect after we die, focusing in this first message specifically on Heaven as it exists today, before God makes all things new at the end of history.
Heaven will be wonderful… but it has an opposite. Bob tackles the hard question of why a place exists apart from God, and how anyone could deserve to be sent there.
What will the new Heaven be like, exactly? Are we going to be young or old? Will it be like an eternal church service, or are we going to float around with harps? Will we remember our life, or become bored with eternity? Drawing from Scripture and the best resources we have, Jake answers some of the most frequently asked questions about where we’ll spend eternity.
In the final message in the Heaven series, we learn how to live in the light of our new Home: how the reality of Heaven can and should affect our day-to-day lives here on Earth.
19011 Woodinville-Snohomish Rd., Suite 210
Woodinville, WA 98072